We interrupt our broadcast to bring you this special message

Hi everyone – Mathew Ingram here. If you're getting this email, then you signed up at some point for my newsletter, When The Going Gets Weird (in case you're wondering, that name is a reference to a quote from Hunter S. Thompson, in which he said "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.) I've been writing some variation of this newsletter for a number of years now, and it is still one of my favourite things to do – finding the odd or unusual or just interesting stories amid the sea of content out there, and bringing them to you.

If this sounds like a pitch, I suppose it is. I would happily continue compiling this newsletter forever in return for nothing more than a thumbs up or a "like" on social media, or even a heartfelt email about how much an item spoke to you. But like many of you, I need to eat food, and food usually costs money (if you have figured out a way to get free food, please let me know). Anyway, to make a long story short, I would be honoured and humbled if you could contribute in some way to this newsletter, either through my Patreon or by clicking on the subscribe button – which should be up in the right-hand corner – or by backing a truck full of cash up to my door (this last one is probably a long shot).

If you can't contribute anything for whatever reason, believe me, I totally understand! I will not think any less of you, and I will happily continue compiling and publishing this newsletter or something like it until I am no longer physically capable of doing so. And please, if you enjoy any of these newsletters, send them on to people you think might also enjoy them.

